You make new acquaintances quickly and effortlessly. If you knowingly take this on board, rewarding friendships can develop and last a long time. You’re unlikely to encounter obstacles from others, and it seems there is no problem you couldn't solve. Your good mood and optimism allow you to look assuredly into the future and leave stress behind you.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 High expectationsIt isn't a bad thing to be ambitious, but you don't have the stamina or willpower to accomplish what you want to achieve. Lower your expectations somewhat and when the opportunity presents itself chill out every now and again. In this way you avoid some disappointments, taking far more pleasure in the things you do, and achieving your goals more easily.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Need to RecuperateFeeling tense, take care not to overreact to situations, or you may come to regret outpourings of this kind. You struggle to control your emotions, remember no one is deliberately trying to get on your nerves. Treat yourself to some quiet downtime as soon as you can, to help you get through this temporary phase.